November 19, 2013

Reverse-engineering an Epson Automatic Roll Paper Cutter (part 2)

I wanted to duplicate all the functions of the thing. That meant using the optical sensors on the ends to limit travel, and implementing some method of driving the cutter back and forth. I could have used a simple button, and let the Arduino do the whole operation automatically, but wouldn't it be more fun to use a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck and move the cutter manually?

I integrated a nice Wii Nunchuck Arduino library, set the motor supply to 24VDC, and presto!

It all works. The code uses the sensors to stop the cutter from moving past the limits. The LD1947 is limiting current to the motor to 0.1A no matter what voltage I use, so power consumption is minimal. And using the nunchuck was super easy.